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A trained indexing professional brings added value to your project through their expertise, meticulous attention to detail and ability to maintain consistency throughout complicated manuscripts and lengthy production timeline, benefits not offered by computer-produced indexes and electronic full-text search.
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"We could not have managed our index without Cynthia’s scholarly expertise. Her meticulous eye caught a number of translation inconsistencies and copyediting errors remaining in the galleys of this unusually complex project. Fifty-eight scholars contributed ten chapters and fifty-one vignette inserts to Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History (Harvard University Press, 2013) . The transliterations, besides standard Mandarin pinyin, included Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and variants for proper names. We also incorporated as many Chinese characters as possible in the index. — I will certainly turn to Cynthia again for future books."
TJ Professor Hinrichs, Associate Professor of History at Cornell University